Tuesday, August 21, 2012

New Crayons & Sharpened Pencils

     Tis the season to be jolly...yup, you guessed it - school supply season.  How sweet the smell of new crayons and markers.  Folders and notebooks coordinate and are selected with care and consideration.  The new pens and scissors hold equal value with new clothes and shoes.  When I was young, this time of year held so much potential and was a time to start anew.  Of course, I'm much older and supplies have changed, however their meaning has not.  As a young girl, I would hold a box of crayons as if they were my most valued possession.  Don't even get me started when I was finally able to buy the box with the sharpener in the back - that was truly a momentous occasion.

     Then I had children of my own, and I was able to relive the experience all over again, and again, and again.  I never tired of new school supplies.  If they wanted a Dallas Cowboys binder, Harry Potter notebook, or fancy mechanical pencils, I bought it.  I offered fun locker decorations, the newest marker colors, and neon sticky note pads.  My overzealous behavior often led to "are you crazy" looks from the kids, but I had to try.  I have to admit, that I always threw in a few extra things - just in case I needed them.

     As a teacher, I am able to extend my love of new school supplies throughout the entire year.   I don't just buy a stack of notebooks; I buy a case.  I purchase each item as they go on sale, knowing that they will not be this inexpensive in January.  My desk looks like a commercial for either Target or Office Max.  Seriously, I know teachers (myself included) who should buy stock in these companies.  We (notice how I included others again) touch and smell, arrange and rearrange, label and merely just look at our new pretties. 

     All this joy and all this newness, brings me to the real reason teachers buy enormous amounts of supplies.  Yes, we love them, but we know that kids do too.  And there are far too many students who don't have the access, the money, the ability to get the supplies that will make the start of their school year special.  Classroom funding is down, so in turn, supply lists for parents have grown.  Technology is pricey, and I know the difficulty of buying a $100 calculator.  What if you have more than one child and are on a tight budget?  

      The fall brings a feeling of crisp newness - clothes, haircuts, and yes, school supplies.  But, for some, it is a time of stress and struggle.  If you have the resources and can help a child, a family, or even a group of students - do so.  Most schools would accept donations of new or unused supplies.  Many stores have donation bins to help.  Check with local churches and organizations to see what can be done.  With the generosity of family and friends, my sister and I have been able to help a few students with supplies, shoes, clothes, and anything else that might be needed at this time of year. However, there is so much more to do. 

     Remember, the joy of seeing a student with a new backpack, unloading their new school supplies, is a heartwarming sight.  Even better is the look on their face when they use those new supplies and don't have to worry about having to borrow or do without.  School is about learning and friendships, but sometimes, just sometimes, it is about new crayons and sharpened pencils.

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