Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Teacher's Summer

This is what my typical teacher's summer sounds like:

Gosh, I hope I packed everything in my desk, bookcases, files, etc.  I don't want the janitors to dump my desk like that one year when everything broke and was scattered all over the room.  Of course, I hope I remember which box contains all my September stuff.  It's probably the box on the bottom.  Oh, please let my candy dish be empty...mice love that sort of thing.  I remember a year when mice dined on my beautiful Indian corn.  At least they were fat and happy mice.

Ah, it's finally summer.  Oh wait, it's Minnesota.  So it might feel like April.  I can't wait for fresh vegetables and flowers.  It could be a while.

I wonder why I signed up to take a four day workshop out of town.  I know I need credit hours to maintain my license, but just when I got use to staying up until 10:30?  I've only been out of school for two weeks, and I'm back to sitting on uncomfortable chairs for eight hours listening to a speaker and sometimes learning.  Do I sound like this to my students?  How can I better engage my students?  

Ahhh...finally the Fourth of July.  Wait!  Why would I be excited?  Really, my summer is half over already, and I've still done no spring cleaning.  I know people think summer is three months, but to be honest - for me it's about six weeks - maybe!  I can't believe the school supplies are already in at Target.  If I don't buy them now they will be double the price in January.  Inhale deeply...I love new markers, crayons, pens, paper, folder, stickies, calendars, oh heck - I should buy stock in this stuff.  I've already dropped off two loads of new supplies in my classroom.  (I can't believe I don't get a paycheck until September.  I better watch the checking account a bit closer.) The floors look so shiny, and my desk didn't tip. Yay!   I think I'll rearrange my room - I'll design the new arrangement tonight at home.  Oh, I forgot to send in my supply order...while I'm visiting my room I had better take care of just this one thing.

I wonder what time I have to be in school next week to go over data from last year's kids.  Who will my new cherubs be?  I'll miss my kids from last year, but I look forward to meeting the new ones.  I hope that the kids I taught are safe, fed, and reading.  Where is my summer going?

I can't believe I'm dreaming about school.  I'm starting to get that tingle in my tummy - I'm spending half days in my classroom.  I don't know how some people can come in for one day and be ready to go.  I need weeks to prep, re clean, rearrange, locate my September box, and just sit and do my desk stare.  More workshops and I realize I only have days left before there are actually students in chairs.  They will be here on Tuesday whether I'm ready or not.  I just love that first day smell - new clothes, clean school, excitement...

What?  Summer is gone.  I had only six days with no thought of kids, data, teaching, desks, books, classes, and worries.  I lie...I think it was only four days.  

Yesterday, I had to nod when the lady at the grocery store told me how lucky I was to have summers off.  I just told her...I am lucky to be a teacher.

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