Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The time is now...

I read blogs and even know a few bloggers.  It's a wonderful tool used by so many for even more reasons.  So, I guess it is time for me to join this modern day version of serials...and blog.  This episode is my first, and it should hook my readers - that number being zero as of today.  However, my primary intention is for me to experiment with a means by which to place my words for all to see.  Writing is what I love.  It is my way of exploring the world, and more importantly, myself.  Normally, I'm a verbal processor, so writing slows down my multi-tasking mind.  I'm forced to be picky and precise.  Occasionally, I even like what I have to say, and that makes all the in-between stuff worthy of the rifling and time.  My plans are to write about a variety of subjects:  education, reading, writing, world events, family, oh and me.  That covers pretty much everything, except lima beans and Spanish rice, neither of which I enjoy.  I hope to bring interest and joy to anyone who ventures into my blue (I'll explain my obsession with blue and bees later).  Welcome...I'm smiling at all the possibilities this ride will bring.

Peace and Smiles!